Corporate Trainings


All workshops are flexible regarding time, content and needs. Our dynamic, energized workshops will be custom designed to meet your specific needs. 

Please call us at (360) 670-9406 for pricing on our in-house corporate training/workshops. All workshops are customized for your corporate needs, so we have no problem combining workshops for efficiency and cost-effectiveness.



This workshop demonstrates how effective listening can enhance organizational performance and improve interpersonal relationships among staff as well as between staff and customers.  Participants examine the way that they listen so they can become more effective in communicating with others. Participants achieve new levels of understanding to effect behavioral change in the workplace.  We will explore some of the common blockages to listening and how to effectively eliminate those blockages.  

It is recommended that this workshop be presented in conjunction with the Communication Skills workshop, but it may be presented as a stand-alone.



Poor communication can create chaos in the workplace.  Communication includes verbal and non-verbal listening.  Miscommunication and lack of communication involves many factors. Discussion will include how emotion, cultural diversity and gender relate to the communication process.  This workshop provides thorough knowledge of the process of successful communication so that participants may gain the skills necessary to become effective communicators. Specifically, participants learn how to: make themselves understood, listen constructively, clarify, and explore disagreements.  

It is recommended that this workshop be presented in conjunction with the Active Listening workshop, but it may be presented as a stand-alone.



This workshop focuses on turning win-lose negotiations into win-win results. Specifically, participants learn tips and techniques to turn positions into collaborative exploration. Learn how to get people with “strong positions” to “buy-in” to alternatives. Win-Win does not mean, “splitting the baby in half.”   Win-Win means obtaining the best advantage for your company without destroying the other party.  Negotiation is not “an all or nothing” proposition.  Learn the key elements for getting to a “yes” position.  

It is recommended that this workshop be presented in conjunction with the Active Listening and Communication Skills workshops, but it may be presented as a stand-alone. 



Companies and agencies lose thousands of dollars each year when employees sit in  “unproductive” meetings. Participants will learn the 18 steps to effective meeting management, including setting and implementing agendas. Participants will learn how to build accountability and responsibility into the process so that there is effective follow-through.  Meetings involve two or more people.  The key to efficiency is knowing when, how, why, and who should attend meetings.  

It is recommended that this workshop be presented in conjunction with the Active Listening, Communication and Creativity workshops, but it may be presented as a stand-alone.



Surveys show that managers now spend about 20 percent of their time resolving conflict. According to human resource professionals, poor work attitudes are often more harmful than incompetence.  When there is gossip, misdirected anger or a lack of commitment in the workplace, problems arise.  Conflict management skills allow employees to work through conflicts on their own.  Many times, employees can “agree to disagree” so that their work is not interrupted. On a higher level, Conflict Management Skills for Managers allow for quicker, more efficient resolution when employees cannot work through disagreements themselves. The difference between employees and management is that management must recognize and resolve conflict on all levels rather than on a one-on-one basis. This can be a challenge for inexperienced or timid supervisors.  This workshop builds confidence, so those employees take responsibility and accept accountability without placing blame.   

Management level training includes leadership skills, providing discipline without punishment, dealing with change and team building. All participants will be given a personal assessment to determine their style of dealing with conflict.  We can also provide training to blend both management and non-management level employees into one successful workshop for a proactive and beneficial mixture.  



Creativity and innovation require looking outside of the traditional box.  Sometimes we become so focused on projects (and problems) that we lose track of the objective. Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off of the goals and objectives.  This workshop is fun, interactive, and productive.  Learn how to think creatively to reduce problems and empower the work force.  

This course is designed to be implemented throughout other workshops or as a stand-alone workshop. 



This workshop focuses on empowerment as an affirmative business strategy. We will explore tips, techniques and skills to enhance the participant’s knowledge in the use of problem solving to empower themselves and others. Discussion will cover managing change, teamwork and more.  We will also explore the need for and benefits of empowerment by showing positive and practical examples. Problem solving and empowerment involves communication skills and conflict management.  

It is recommended that this workshop be presented in conjunction with the Active Listening and Communication Skills workshops, but it may be presented as a stand-alone. 



Workplace violence is a reality that nobody can ignore.  Media attention focuses on dramatic types of violence such as shootings by disgruntled employees in office buildings. While the risk of this type of violence is rare, it cannot be overlooked. One incident, regardless of how obtuse or rare, inspires many copycats. As a result of media hype, managers are faced with the task of reducing employees’ anxiety about “real” and “perceived” risk factors. Managers must also be aware of risk potential from other factors such as poorly lighted parking lots, etc.  But often overlooked is the most prevalent and “common” workplace violence: rude, offensive and threatening language or behavior between coworkers. Hostile work environments breed violence.  Learn what to look for as telltale signs of potential violence and how to defuse rather than escalate the problem. Regardless of what protections are taken, unpredictable violence can erupt, and the work force must be prepared for the worst.  

This workshop also focuses on crisis management when disruption and violent behavior are present.  



Learn how to become a mediator. This workshop involves understanding the sources of conflict, the process of mediation, setting the agenda, brainstorming and exploring options, and reaching agreements. Participants will be given a certificate to demonstrate that they have achieved the basic mediation skills set forth by the California Dispute Resolution Practice Act of 1986. 

This workshop is very interactive and includes role-playing and exercises.  



This workshop demonstrates the skills and preparation necessary for “winning” results. Mediation presents the opportunity to explore innovative and unconventional resolutions. The parties themselves, not a third party, decide what agreement is best.  Learn how mediators think and the different styles of mediation so that you and the mediator are on the same track. Learn to go under the adversary’s radar and break impasse.  Learn that mediation is not “splitting the baby in half” but, rather, creative thinking and marshaling of the resolution.  



Even when arbitration is non-binding, a decision against you can have a devastating impact on potential settlement negotiations.  It is extremely important to understand the arbitration process including how to submit evidence and facts.  Although you may have lawyers who will assist your company in developing and presenting the case, it is beneficial to understand how arbitrators think and what they look for. We show you how to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of cases to determine your exposure. Find out the best methods for exploring settlement before (or after) arbitration without looking desperate.  



Many sensitive disputes escalate into full-blown litigation because the investigation was incomplete, overly excessive, or mishandled.  Employment and labor issues have never been more delicate.  This workshop incorporates active listening, effective communication skills, as well as prevention techniques to help eliminate or minimize the risk of lawsuits. However, sensitive disputes are inevitable. Make sure that your human resource managers and investigators are able to conduct investigations so that they are timely, thorough, and meet legal requirements. This workshop will be interactive and hands-on. All participants will learn: (1) how to interview in a non-threatening manner,  (2) the art of asking questions, (3) how to deal with sensitive issues,  (4) explore the pros and cons of internal verses external investigations, (5) whom to interview first, second, and so on, (6) what to say and not say during the interview, (7) the art of writing neutral reports, (8) assessing credibility, and (9) many other critical and valuable tips, techniques and skills to prevent impeachment of the investigation under cross-examination.  



This workshop explores how to turn conflict into an opportunity to build business. Sometimes reasonable people disagree.  Real world examples show how to put positive ADR theories into place for proactive results.  This is not a one-size fits all theory.  ADR involves the blending of many processes, and affirmative business strategy requires knowledge of when and how to offset potential problems before they escalate into lawsuits.  Step negotiations, conciliation, mediation and arbitration are examples of effective ADR processes. Understanding the different models of ADR allows you to implement all or part of each model as needed.  This workshop demonstrates how ADR can save time, money, and relationships for companies. Emphasis can be on employee/employer disputes, intra and inter-regional disputes, customer complaints, or other specific needs of the company.  

It is recommended that this workshop be presented in conjunction with the Communication Skills and Active Listening workshops, but it may be presented as a stand-alone.



Partnering and project management requires collaboration, accountability and responsibility by all stakeholders through teamwork.  Teamwork depends on a meeting of the minds to achieve common goals and objectives.  Proper planning and realistic agenda setting is crucial to completion.  Even when goals and objectives remain static, the means and manner of reaching the goals and objective must be flexible.   

This workshop focuses on how to pull together and manage an efficient team so those projects are completed on time, within budget and without unnecessary distractions. 



Employers are demanding more from employees than merely reading, writing, and arithmetic. To be fully literate in the workplace, employers are requesting that training programs encompass seven components:  

  1. Organizational effectiveness and leadership skills;
  2. Interpersonal, negotiation, and teamwork skills;
  3. Self-esteem, goal setting, and motivational skills;
  4. Creative thinking and problem solving skills;
  5. Communication skills, including, but not limited to, active listening, speaking, and inter-action;
  6. Reading, writing, and computation;
  7. “Learning to learn.” 

The 21st Century means CHANGE in the workplace so that employers create an atmosphere of teamwork, respect, creativity, and proactive work ethics. Our workshops are geared to provide the basic workplace skills that your employees need. 



Effective Management & Leadership Workshops

Sexual Harassment Training

Team-Building / Motivation

Effective Sales & Negotiations

Goal Setting / Customer Service

Turning Reactive Attitudes into Proactive Results



Assessment, custom design, implementation and review are all components of effective conflict management programs. Implementation of conflict management programs allow companies to determine why conflicts arise within the company or organization. Once conflict is identified, implementation of communication and opportunity to offset potential lawsuits and/or claims is explored. Emphasis is placed on looking at early intervention tips and techniques to turn potential problems into collaborative problem-solving opportunities through a blending of different ADR processes. 

Our dispute resolution consultants and trainers specialize in blending various processes and workshops to provide the best program for your company